Latest Past Events

A Right Proper Scotch Tasting Night!

The Whiskey Pickle Pub 11605 8th Street, Dawson CreeK

It's time for another "After 5 Mixer"! Join us for a Scotch Tasting event at The Whiskey Pickle Pub! Whether you're a seasoned whiskey connoisseur or just looking to expand your palate, this event is perfect for you. Sample a variety of...

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After 5 mixer with your MLA

Peace River South Constituency Office 1100 Alaska Avenue #103 b, Dawson Creek

Mike Bernier, MLA is opening the Peace River South Constituency Office to local Chamber members for an "After 5 mixer" where he'll serve wine and appies to attendees, offer a brief tour and be open to answering any questions or...

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1st annual “BIGBALL smallball” Tournament May 25th

The Dawson Creek & District Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the “1st Annual BIGBALL smallball Tournament” May 25th, 2024. The day will start with a scotch doubles style play at Hypertension Escape Bowling Alley with lunch for all players...

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