The Benefits of Membership

The Dawson Creek Chamber of Commerce does not receive any funding from Government. We are powered by the investment that our members make in membership fees, luncheons and member benefit Programs.
Your membership fees are used to help us pay for the cost of advocacy (research, cost of travel and presentations), networking (luncheons, Small Business Christmas Party and other events), and education for our members.
The Chamber of Commerce receives many inquires from companies interested in making contact with local businesses. If you are a member, we recommend your business first. We also provide the caller with your contact information to make it easier for them to reach out to you.
You can apply for your Chamber of Commerce membership online through our website, or in-person in our offices. Follow the link the bellow to start your applicaltion.
We’re updating our Member Benefits
Exciting things are happening in 2025! We’ll be posting our updated member benefits soon.
What does a Chamber of Commerce do?
A Chamber of Commerce serves as the voice of local businesses and business interests and is focused on strengthening the economy of the Peace Region.
The Chamber of Commerce aims to mobilize staff, volunteers, members, and businesses throughout the community to work together to achieve economic success for all. Together, we strive to keep the area’s economy at a level that encourages development and growth. Events, mixers, fundraisers, and meetings, carried out by the Chamber, help us to achieve this goal.
Who funds the Chamber of Commerce?
The Chamber of Commerce is funded by its members, in more ways than one. Not only do memberships contribute to capital, but the combined knowledge and expertise of the members creates an invaluable resource for our community.
The Dawson Creek and District Chamber of Commerce is also the proud owner of The Chamber Building, in downtown Dawson Creek, where local businesses, individuals, and non-profits are encouraged to rent space at reasonable and competitive rates, to help diversify and expand on our local business community. Luncheons, after 5 mixers, our annual “BIGBALL smallball” tournament, Small Business Christmas Party, and other events and initiatives also contribute to Chamber funding, as well as providing meaningful networking events and educational opportunities.
Who runs the Chamber of Commerce?
A Board of Directors, elected by the Chamber of Commerce’s membership, runs the Dawson Creek and District Chamber of Commerce.
The Board, comprised of volunteers, sets the policies and goals of the organization.
The Staff, an Executive Director and Assistant to the Executive Director, are responsible for completing the objectives and goals of the Board.
What do the volunteers do?
Volunteers are invaluable. They provide the ideas, resources, goals, funding, and a myriad of other services to keep the Dawson Creek and District Chamber of Commerce focused, motivated, and operational.
What is the benefit of membership?
The Chamber of Commerce acts as the unified voice of area all businesses, including industry, retail, agriculture, and professional firms, and the best interests of the region. As a member, you can have a say in advocacy efforts and the things you would like to see the Chamber focus on moving forward. Strong membership involvement will increase the impact and effectiveness of the organization as a whole.
Chambers of Commerce also provide their members with value-added, member only programs, such as merchant rates, discounted event prices, comprehensive group insurance, courier and natural gas, among others. These programs are chosen and designed so that the savings generated often offsets the cost of membership.
Chamber of Commerce membership is an investment in the future of your business and our community.
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